Three times in the past two weeks, strangers walked up and touched my arms. No joke. "How did they get like that?"
As odd as these encounters are, I think the strangers are well-meaning. And I always have the same answer: TRX Suspension Training! Never have I been as strong and lean as in the months since I began training with - and teaching with - TRX. The TRX doesn't let you cheat on form and resistance, so the results are fo' real.
So as we come off of the Memorial Day weekend, here's the routine from one of my recent Cardio TRX classes - which includes heart-pumping "bursts" using the Bosu Fitness trainer, my preferred fitness "toy" of late. This one takes 45 to 60 minutes, depending how quickly you move between circuits:
Tuesday TRX Treat
Warmup (off the TRX)
- 20 jumping jacks
- 10 jack squats
- 30 seconds of high knees
- 30 seconds of mountain climbers
Circuit 1
- Right leg lunges (20)/20-second hold at the bottom/Curtsy lunges (16)/ Lunge kicks (16). Repeat on left leg
- Right leg TRX lunges (16)/drop into narrow-grip pushups (16)/Kickbox TRX squats (16)/wide-grip pushups (16). Repeat on left leg.
- Sumo squats (20)/ Hold at the bottom (20 seconds)/ One-legged right squats (16)/ One-legged left squats (16)
- Cardio burst: 20 Bosu Burpees, 30 seconds of Bosu Mountain Climbers
Circuit 2
- TRX high rows (16)
- TRX mid-rows (24)
- W's (16) and I-squats (16)
- Cardio burst: 5 sets of Frog leaps (using 5 Bosus lined up)/20 Bosu Burpees
Circuit 3
- Tricep Chair Dips (16)
- Tricep Presses (16) followed by straight-arm circles (16 clockwise, 16 counterclockwise)
- One-arm side bicep curls (16 on each arm)
- Front bicep curls (16)
- Cardio burst: 30 seconds of fast feet with quick "drop and planks" off the Bosu/ Another set of 5 Bosu Leap Frogs
Circuit 4
- TRX Hamstring Curls (24) and Glute Lifts (24)
- 30-second TRX Planks followed by 30 seconds of lateral Plank Saws (for the obliques). Repeat twice.
- 10 TRX Crunches/15-second TRX Planks/10 TRX Pikes. Repeat twice.
- Stretch!!!!
Coming up: What Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins say about the USA....and this Gator girl gets the inside scoop on how Gatorade has improved its product line for maximum athletic performance. Athletes asked, Gatorade listened!