Tabata. You know it burns. But you also know it works - torching calories and working lots of muscles. And if you alternate cardio Tabata drills with strength Tabata and even core Tabata drills, it can become the format for an entire bootcamp class or solo sweat session. Each Tabata circuit is 4 minutes long and consists of 20-second working intervals followed by 10 seconds of rest, for a total of 8 rounds. This method is one of the most efficient methods of exercise. You get a full workout that works you head to toe, yet doesn't require 90 minutes or two hours of your time.
A couple dozen students and I proved it last week with the bootcamp routine below. This one uses little equipment - just dumbbells - and even that can be swapped out for resistance bands. So give this a whirl, knowing that at the end of the 45 minutes or so you will have pushed your Badass to the limit - and conquered!
All-Tabata Badass Bootcamp
30 seconds each of:
- pogo hops
- jacks
- high knees running in place
- skaters
- mountain climbers
Tabata #1: Cardio
- Burpees x2
- Skaters x2
- Jump Squats x2
- Side kick squats x2 (kick out to the right, squat in the center, kick out to the left, and keep going)
Tabata #2: Strength, Pushups
- Regular Pushups x2
- Tricep Pushups x2
- Decline Pushups x2
- Incline Pushups x2
Tabata #3: Cardio
- Skaters x2
- Jump Lunges Right Side x2
- Jump Lunges Left Side x2
- Burpees x2
Tabata #3: Strength, Legs
- Weighted Regular Squats x2 (holding dumbbells at side)
- Weighted Sumo, aka Plie, Squats x2
- Weighted Right Side Lunges x2
- Weighted Left Side Lunges x2
Tabata #4: Cardio
- Mountain Climbers x2
- Plank Hops x2
- Leg Thrusts x2
- Dead Man Crawls x2 (with dumbbells)
Tabata #5: Strength, Bi's and Tri's
- Side Biceps Curls x2
- Tricep Kickbacks x2
- Regular Biceps Curls x2
- Tricep Kickbacks (or floor/bench dips) x2
Tabata #6: Core
- Plank x2
- Ab Sprawls x2
- Side Plank Right with Crunch x2
- Side Plank Left with Crunch x2
Coming up: All-Tabata cycling profile, and Chris reaches #360to60!!