I could swear it was just New Year's, but the calendar says different. It's here again. Whether we like it or not. Whether we (and our Badasses) are ready for the 'unveil' or not.
Yes, spring is upon us and summer is on its way, which means no more hiding under layers of sweats, pants and sweaters. Today's workout is a lower body blast -- working quads, hamstrings and glutes with high reps and weighted moves.
Do this twice a week in conjunction with clean eating, 30-45 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week, and you will start to see changes you like.
This workout is to be done circuit style, going through each of the 10 exercises and resting no more than 2 minutes in between (this will keep your heart rate up there and fire up your calorie burn). If you have the time and will to do a second round, go for it! Short and time? Pick 5 favorites and do just those.
Spring/Summer Leg Burner
Warmup: 5 minutes jogging, cycling, elliptical, or a combo of jumping jacks, high knees, mountain climbers, skaters, etc.
Weighted Bosu Sumo Squats: 20 reps each side
Weighted Close-leg Bosu Squats: 25 reps
Walking Weighted Lunges: 25 lunges walking forward, 25 lunges back the way you came
Lateral Weighted Lunges: 20 lunges to each side.
Weighted Side-Step Squats: 20 squats to the right, 20 squats back to the start, holding dumbbells or a weight plate at your chest
Step-Ups on a Bench with Dumbbells: 20 reps on each leg. Video here.
Dropsies with Dumbbells: 20 reps on each leg
Deadlifts: 25 reps holding dumbbells or weighted bar
One-Legged Deadlifts: 15 reps on each leg. Same form and motion as a regular deadlift, but balancing and engaging the core by doing them on one standing leg.
Glute Press-Ups: 25 each leg
Coming up: The Badass Army Playlist...and are we really Born to Run?
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