I took a personality assessment test recently, and was surprised at the accuracy of its description based on just a few questions. It dubbed me a "social realist," and this stood out:
"You love to act on behalf of others and care for them. If you have the impression that there is a way to contribute by improving their quality of life, it satisfies you more than anything...For you, it is important to see the results of your work so you can go home feeling that you (again) made the world a better place - at least a bit."
Wow. Ding! Ding! Ding!
THIS is the Badass Journey. THIS is the Badass Journey - me helping you, you helping each other, and you helping to remind me why I am grinding and hustling down this path toward a full-time fitness career. So today, I just want to say thanks.
I had a job once in which I went home every day and thought, "What did I do to better anything today? What did I do to make a positive impact for others?" Too often, the answer was "Nothing." When a friend died suddenly at age 36, I asked myself - then age 31 - what I would do if I had five years, much less five days, left.
The answer: Write something, and teach a fitness class. I gave my notice within two months.
Which brings me here. Thanksgiving Day 2011, still writing this blog of growing readership and seeing more with every class and client that this is where I am supposed to be. So many people are still searching for what they are "supposed" to do, or feel trapped in jobs they hate.
I am blessed to be doing something I love, something God has blessed me with the talents to do, and knowing that I am closer than ever to heading down that path full time and running with it. And helping more and more people.
This is, in so many ways, because of you all. I believe, sincerely, that none of this would be possible without The Badass Army. Many of you tell me often that this blog, or the encouragement I show you in class and training sessions, keep you going. Yet it's so often YOU who keep me going. Who keep reminding me why the 4:45 am alarm clock is worth it every day, along with the days that don't end until after 8 pm.
I am grateful for every single reader, every single comment, every single Tweet, Facebook post and e-mail - whether it's "I wonder what @shancola would think about this waffle I'm about to eat" or cheering yourself for the 15K you ran on Thanskgiving morning - a mere few months after you started running and could barely make it around the block.
When I see you start walking taller with the confidence of a stronger body, I am grateful. When one of you sets a personal best in the 5K and reaches goal weight a couple of weeks early, I am grateful - and proud like a Mama Cub.
When a reader from Toronto writes me with questions about Tabata intervals or one from the Midwest writes to tell me the blog workouts are helping her get off her cholesterol medication, I am grateful - and humbled that anyone beyond my Grandma is even reading.
When readers and friends like Chris and Ryan share with us their fitness stumbles and triumphs, I am grateful. When I see you giving it your all, and then some, in Bootcamp every week, I am grateful. And when you tell me those bootcamps are making you a stronger mountain biker, I am elated at your progress.
So thank you. I am blessed beyond measure to have health, love, faith -- and The Badass Army.
You rock my world - now go rock that turkey feast! You've earned it :)
Coming up: A few lighter ideas for Thanksgiving leftovers...
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